In Office and Telehealth services available
Individual Therapy
Individual Therapy-services directed to the individual that begin with a Bio-psychosocial Assessment, creation of individualized treatment plan goals and therapeutic care to address issues related to mental health, parenting, relational issues or ways to address day to day stressors.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy-services directed toward members of the family to help increase cohesion, build communication skills, conflict resolution and increased connectedness and relationship building.
Addiction/Recovery Based Services
Utilization of Motivational Interviewing skills to address those who struggle with addiction to work towards a life of recovery. Creation of relapse prevention and implementation of a 12 step model to support individuals and family members towards long term sobriety.
Qualified Supervision
Qualified Supervision – providing individual and group supervision to Registered Interns & Certified Addiction Professionals working towards licensure or certification. Additional consultation services for Licensed therapist seeking professional support, DBT guidance, training and mentorship.
Group Therapy
Group Therapy – services provided in a small group setting individualized by age, topic and specific modalities. Group therapy provides an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings with others, understand that you are not alone as well as learn vital skills in a group format. Connections to others is well documented as a positive treatment in overall improved wellbeing.
Parent Training
Parent Training Provided in sessions to help increase parental application of contingency management and application of positive parenting skills.
Workshop/Trainings-provided on varying topics within the clinical community to increase knowledge and application of clinical skills. CEU provider.
DBT-An evidenced based modality designed to provided an organized application of four specific skills guided by worksheets and application inside and outside of session. DBT skills groups not provided currently.