Dr. Aimee Casimis has helped me so much throughout my therapy journey, she made me feel so comfortable. I was able to open myself up and be vulnerable enough to allow her to begin her amazing work. She has taught me DBT tools such as mindfulness that has helped me tremendously. Aimee truly cares about her clients, as if we are family. Anytime I had a crisis big or small she has been there to guide me though whatever was going on. I would recommend Aimee a million times over to anyone in need of therapy services.


Aimee has been my therapist for the past three years. She always gets to my root issues and offers real solutions in the forms of handouts and unconditional support. I Love Aimee!


Aimee noticed/put together in just a few sessions what past therapist didn’t see at all in the entre duration of my time with them-periods spanning anywhere from 6-18 months. Together Aimee and I have pinpointed several specific issues-it’s helpful to have a few things you can recognize and work on as you go about your life outside of sessions-and she’s given me LOTS of tools to help me do the work. I have seen ENORMOUS improvement in my day-to-day and moment-to-moment experience of life.


My sessions with Dr. Aimee have literally saved my life! I have been able to completely transform my thought process and truly heal in my broken places. It definitely hasn’t been easy and there have been times where I wanted to give up but I trusted the process. Dr. Aimee didn’t give up on me and for that I am truly grateful! She has anointing like no other! I would highly recommend.


I have been meeting with Aimee for a few years now. She has been instrumental in my spiritual, emotional and psychological growth. The advice and guidance she’s given me throughout our time together has helped me to be a stronger man in relationships as a husband, friend and son.
